Call me a bad mama if you want, I won't care.
However, a fragile compromise was reached tonight. We found a recipe that required no refrigerator time for the dough, no rolling out, and definitely no finger-painting of frosting. In fact, no frosting at all! Can I get an "Amen, sis-tah?"
And let me tell you, I can promise that these are terribly fun to do with kids and they're wicked tasty. Definitely win-win. Look at that smile. Doesn't he look like he's having fun?
2 large eggs
2/3 cup vegetable oil
2 t. vanilla
3/4 cup white sugar
2 cups flour
2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. salt
Yup, that's it. Seriously easy.
Beat together eggs, oil, vanilla, and sugar; add flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix well.
Drop by heaping teaaspoon (approx. 3" apart) on ungreased cookie sheet.
Flatten with bottom of glass moistened with water and dipped in sugar.
Bake at 400 degrees for 6-10 minutes or just until lightly golden.
Eat while watching White Christmas and dream of beautiful Edith Head dresses.
Stop eating when you realize you really, really don't want your kids to ask how many cookies you've eaten.
Not that I would know about that or anything.
The End.

linked up to Skip To My Lou for Made by You Monday!
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