Almost a Candy Bar.
This is what the picture of the finished product looks like in the magazine and online:

(photo courtesy of Taste of Home)
This is the picture of it at our house:
(photo courtesy of me. no need to thank me)
But how did I make such amazing goodness, you ask. Well, pull up your computer chair and listen up.
Here we go.
1 tube (16.5 oz) refrigerated chocolate chip cookie dough
4 nutty s'mores trail mix bars, chopped
1 package (11 oz) butterscotch chips
2 1/2 cups miniature marshmallows
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 1/2 cups miniature pretzels
1 package (10 oz) peanut butter chips
3/4 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup butter, cubed
1 package (11.5 oz) milk chocolate chips
Let dough stand at room temp for 5-10 minutes to soften. In a large bowl, combine the dough and trail mix bars. Press into a 9x13 pan (I very lightly greased mine). Bake, uncovered at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.
Sprinkle with butterscotch chips and marshmallows (all the while slapping away your husband's grabby hands reaching for the butterscotch chips. good grief.). Bake 3-4 minutes longer or until marshmallows begin to brown. Commence drooling, but don't sample yet. Oh no, no, no. All the good stuff is still to come. Plus, it's hot, silly. Sprinkle then with walnuts; arrange pretzels over the top. In a small saucepan, melt the peanut butter chips, corn syrup and butter; spoon over marshmallow mixture.
Wait! You're not done yet! In a small microwave-safe bowl, melt the chocolate chips. (I go in thirty-second intervals, stirring after each. Should only take two or three intervals.) Stir until smooth.
**Originally, the recipe said to transfer said chocolate into a baggie, snip the corner, blah, blah, blah. You know the drill. What the recipe doesn't tell you is that if you do indeed attempt this, you will be covered in chocolate from the tip of your finger all the way up to your elbow. You will then have to fight off chocolate-crazed hubby and children from licking your arms. Ugh. That's what happened the first time. The second time, I just poured it directly onto the candy-bar mixture and spread it with a spoon. It was much better. I wasn't being chased down by my crazy family. Sweet relief. However, it might have just been me. I might be a little handicapped in the chocolate drizzling department.
After drizzling or pouring or whatever, put this heavenly yumminess into the refrigerator to firm up for about an hour.
THEN, go face down. And your life will never be the same.
You can thank me now. Oh, and you would like to send me a gift as a gesture of appreciation for changing your life in such a positive manner? Oh, you shouldn't. Stop. You're embarrassing me. (psst, I love diamonds and gift cards to Amazon.)
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